Solids from dairy cow manure

Re-use liquids
for flushing

Bedding for dairy cows

Solids from
poultry manure
Separation of Hog, Cattle and Poultry Manure
The FAN Separator
"Solution To Polution" Technology
- Squeezes
water out of liquid manure
- Separates
solids into piles of dry solids
- The only
separator that works with thick slurries and dilute wastewaters
- Cleaning
every 34 months only
- Meets environmental
effluent standards
- Reduces
solids content of manure
- Reduces
size of new pits and lagoons
- Reduces
pollutant nutrient content
- Re-use solids
for bedding
- Re-use liquids
for flushing
- Recycle
solids for refeeding
- Prolongs
life of existing lagoon
- Minimizes
cost of hauling waste
- Improves
biological treatment
- Minimizes
- Reducing
field spreading acreage
- Solids moisture
content; 6070%